
 Author:  Flosha
 Created: 02.11.22  
 Changed: 12.11.22  

Medieval Spheres

In the centre there is the Morgrad with his four elements Earth, Water, Fire and Air, the sphere of the Ephemeral, within the unutterable Darkness of Beliar. Above all there is the ethereal sphere. [G]

In the World of Gothic there is the concept of different spheres. The here and now, the sphere of the living, is described as Morgrad in the book Astronomie [G]. The Demonworld was an early concept which in the alpha plot was supposed to appear in form of a couple of explorable level sections but had no dedicated name, although at times it has been associated with the “realm of Beliar”. To add the ‘astral’ as a third sphere concept was an idea by Dmitriy based on hints found in books like the “sphere of heaven” or the “ethereal sphere” as well as handwritten design documents. The names, other than Morgrad, come from me and are based on my writings about the old language.


Spheres in Phoenix

Our etymology of those terms is explained in our moraic etymology.


TODO: Add more thoughts and interpretation about it here.
Add all that was written from the alpha-research forum and the shadows metaphor interpretation.
